Monday, January 13, 2014

Time Mangement: Allow Yourself to Play!

Time management seems like a pretty easy concept. However, so many people don't know how to manage their time. This can lead to last-minute plans, clumsy organization, and feeling like you are always rushed. I've always been an advocate of time-management, especially since college, when I was on my own and creating my own schedule. Everything can get done that needs to be done if you make time for it. Below are five tips I frequently use:
  1. Write down everything you need to get done that day or week (depending on how busy you are) and check them off as you complete them.
    Purchase a planner or use an online calendar. This will allow you to gauge what is more of a priority and allow you to have a sense of accomplishment as certain tasks are completed.
  2. Include naps, meals, and leisure time in your schedule.
    Everyone has to eat and everyone has to sleep. Including it in your schedule will make sure you have blocked out time for these important things.
  3. Allow yourself to play!
    All work and no play, is no good! Make sure you give yourself the right balance so you aren't over-working and under-playing. Everyone needs time to just relax and enjoy life. If you don't enjoy yourself, what is all the hard work for? However, know when to buckle down.
  4. When a big task/goal is completed, reward yourself!
    When you stick with your schedule and meet your tasks/goals by your deadline, make sure you treat yourself and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can buy that new handbag or shoes you have had your eye on or indulge in that dessert you have been craving. It can be big or small, but tailor it to the importance of your accomplishment.
  5. Don't beat yourself up about a missed deadline.
    If you are running behind schedule or are finding that you are still rushing to complete a task, re-evaluate your schedule and adjust accordingly. Maybe you only need 30 minutes to eat lunch instead of an hour or no nap time if your body doesn't need it. Just don't beat yourself up about on it, learn from it, and move on.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions

Ok, I took a brief hiatus during the holidays, but now I'm back! I usually don't do New Year's Resolutions, but I have had a lot on my mind and felt the need to write them down and focus.

2014 is the year of finishing projects, planning better financially, and continuing to live and love life.

2014 Resolutions:
  • Publish a novel (with my co-author)
  • Save money consistently from each paycheck and plan long-term financial goals
  • Possibly plan a trip to London and Paris in late summer/early fall.
  • Laugh more (this may sound silly, but laughter is necessary and I don't do enough of it)
  • Re-evaluate my hobbies (even if that means no spoken word for awhile)
  • Take better care of myself (inside and out)
  • Read more (I miss it so much!)
  • Work seriously on paying off debt.
2014. Let's Get It!